Mi pequeña versión

Cuantos sueños por cumplir.

Tenías una imaginación ilimitable.

Nadie podía aplacarte.

A veces me frustro.

No quería…

Descarga mi e-book en https://gustavshop.com

By: Güstav Rc’mor


23 pensamientos en “Mi pequeña versión

  1. Msdedeng dice:

    Hey, thank you for checking out my blog, however, how do I get google translator on your blog? It looks really interesting and I am dying to read your content please. 😦

    Le gusta a 2 personas

  2. katelon dice:

    Sweet poem!

    Thanks for following my blog. I appreciate it!

    Le gusta a 2 personas

  3. beetleypete dice:

    Nice poem, Gustav. 🙂
    Many thanks for following my blog, which is appreciated.
    Best wishes, pete.

    Le gusta a 1 persona

  4. Msdedeng dice:

    Hey Gustav, I figured it out. Now i can totally read what you write 🙂
    Sorry I was a little slow there, lol.

    Le gusta a 1 persona

  5. Msdedeng dice:

    This is absolutely beautiful. It sounds very personal too, but still applies to most of us. Wow!

    Le gusta a 1 persona

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